Бодрум+17Погода в Бодруме
Exchange rates: EUR/TRY - 41 RUB/TRY - 0.45 USD/TRY - 37.96

Dear, Visitor

Thank you for your interest in our posts and for visiting bodrum.com.ru!

For now, the full version of our web portal is, unfortunately, only available in Russian and partially in Turkish. We are still working out our basic concept, primarily focusing on the main and most important issues, problems and needs of tourists and foreigners living in Bodrum. Our main team currently consists of only Russian native speakers, thus, we are best able to cover all issues about Bodrum in Russian.

However, we aim to additionally launch the most useful and important sections of our portal in English and German soon. Therfore, we are open for cooperation with all existing online information resources for the Bodrum region, focusing on the English- and German-speaking audience.

By combining our experience, we will be able to provide a high-quality service and full information support for all individuals visiting Bodrum. We especially want to assist those who are staying in Bodrum permanently, but may lack sufficient knowledge of the Turkish language in order to arrange comfortable living conditions. Also, we want to help our visitors to keep abreast of the latest events in the Bodrum peninsula.

Below, we have compiled a list of useful links about Bodrum in English:

We apologise for any inconvenience.

Sincerely yours,